Blog Posts for Campaign Monitor

While working at Campaign Monitor, I wrote a variety of posts for several of our brands. Each post would extensive research, so that sources could be cited and examples could be curated.

These posts also had significant SEO considerations, as one of my core philosophies of content marketing is that the piece must serve the audience and capture demand. Therefore it’s vital that every piece I write is informed by data—especially data to highlight what we know about the audience.

Here are the content marketing posts I created while at CM Group.

Please note: Some of these posts may have been edited since publishing.

Top pieces


Early in 2020, the founders of Basecamp announced their newest product: HEY, a new email client. This inbox provider was to be loaded with new features to protect subscribers—which meant big questions for the email marketing community.

I examined all of HEY’s features and gave a perspective on what the changes could mean for an email marketer. I sourced info from their site and the email geeks community to see what marketers could be worried about.


The blog post was viewed over 2,000 times within one week, and was retweeted by both Jason Fried and DHH, co-founders of Basecamp. It also garnered multiple comments from email marketing professionals in the discussion section of the post.

COVID Resources →

Take a look at the COVID resources I directed at the beginning of the outbreak.

4 Steps For Nonprofits to Attract Donors With Email →

Using my experience working with nonprofits at Kindful, I wrote this piece to entice nonprofits to adopt email.


Product marketing posts

From time to time, I took the opportunity to write posts that centered more on uses of the product. (I believe these posts get more traction anyways.)

I gained knowledge of the platform by using my free account and soaking up as much as I could from content published before my time at Campaign Monitor. I would get approval from the respective product marketing managers, but, for the most part, the content has been directed by myself.

How to Use Dynamic Content to Increase Email Engagement →

As far as mainstream ESPs, Campaign Monitor is by far the easiest to insert dynamic content using its email builder. So, in this post, I aimed at educating prospects on how valuable dynamic content is, as well as how easy it is to use it in the app.

How to Analyze and Act on an Unsubscribe Survey →

As we rolled out a new feature for customers to implement unsubscribe surveys, I wrote this post to talk about how one should analyze the results and use them to make strategic changes.


Advanced Insights From New Forms and Benchmarks →

Product release cycle for Delivra.

Consistent Branding And Efficient Working →

Product release cycle for Delivra.


The rest

How 3 Major Brands Use Campaign Monitor →

Crossing between content and product marketing, this post highlights customer uses of the product to inspire prospects.

“How to Build a Strong Brand Through Curated Email Newsletters” →

For publishers that curate content, it’s easy to lose the strength of your brand in the process. In this post, I looked at examples of newsletters that do a great job of both curating content from others while also building a strong brand for themselves, so that our audience could do the same.

4 Easy Automation Hacks to Increase Email Engagement →

Displaying Campaign Monitor’s intuitive automation features to convert interested marketers.

5 Key Steps to Maintaining Brand Identity in Your Digital Marketing →

Took an SEO trend (brand identity in digital marketing) and weaved in email to tie back to Campaign Monitor’s value prop.

4 Non-Cheesy Ways to Use Stock Photos in Email Marketing →

Stock is here to stay, so I wrote a piece on how to use it confidently in email.

The Ultimate Email Subject Line Testing Checklist →

Though not identified as one, this piece functions as the obligatory listicle in my collection.

8 Types of Email Content to Send Your Audience →

Pure fodder for our core audience: email marketers in a one-person team.

What Content Marketers Need to Know About Email Newsletters

We got a LOT of prospects purely interested in sending email newsletters. This tackled the trend of content marketing and married the two.

Classy Webinar Recap: 4 Key Takeaways →

I co-hosted this webinar with Classy, and this is the post to wrap up the content and point back to the recording.

4 Ways to Leverage Email Marketing For Audience Engagement →

This article aimed at publishers, one of our key industries.

Anatomy of an Email: Artifact Uprising →

Picking up a classic series by Emma, I authored the copy for both the post and the infographic.

5 Ways to Use Email in Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign →

Focused on base-level email marketers, I aimed at introducing multi-channel campaigns.

Emails we love: The Valentine's Day edition →

Holiday-inspo posts always get a lot of traffic in the email marketing world.