2020 Year-In-Review

Riding the rising trend of a end-of-year wrap-up, I spearheaded an effort to create a year-in-review post and email to showcase Kindful’s work and the work of its customers.


Due to some last-minute planning, I ended up being the sole contributor to this project, which came with its own challenges. Here’s a list of functions and processes the project went through:

  1. I compiled a list of ideal metrics and news to share in the post. Then I got it approved by my manager.

  2. Worked with the other teams to get content. The product team had to pull relevant stats and performance figures, while I also coordinated with the account development team to get customer stories to highlight.

  3. Positioned statistics, metrics, milestones to be compelling. For some aspects, this was a bit of a challenge, as certain details weren’t as interesting at first glance.

  4. Drafted the blog post and email copy.

  5. Designed email and assets. Using BEEFREE.io, I designed an email that we sent out of HubSpot.


Pictured below is a static version of the email. You can read the blog post here.
